Wow what a crazy two weeks. I feel like time couldn't go any faster. Time is
just flying by way too fast. Well at least faster than i want it to. I feel
like I am always playing catch up. We have been really busy with
investigators but most of the craziness is coming from meetings, service, and
spending time with the missionaries in our zone. in a nutshell here is my
last 2 weeks in no particular order.
We went to a muslim mosque and it
was super cool and the people were friendly and the speaker said some good
stuff about living your religion but there was something lacking, besides the
AC haha, but no, it was alot of fun. Its always good to learn about
different religions and i feel like i learned something from the sermon...
or whatever you call it. You can always find good things in
other religions.
The BYU Idaho dance team came here and stayed with
members of our ward and then performed in Providence and alot of us
missionaries got to go watch. It was pretty fun, I didn't know anyone in the
dance team.
A, our 10 yr old recent convert, was such a great example
to me and everyone yesterday at church. He came, dressed very nicely
as always (cuff links included) and he was fasting and he brought money
to pay tithing so i helped him fill out a slip, and then he said he wanted
to bear his testimony so i helped him prepare and he was the 2nd one to go up
and he did great! our Bishop had the biggest smile on his face as A walked
up to the stand and i was so proud!

The other day for lunch we were in
our apartment and we had tons of food but I got the prompting to go get a big
mac at the Mcdonalds across the street. I was like, No way! Im not wasting
money today.but then i felt it again- at this point i didn't think it was
a prompting, just a crave. So we went anyway. What helped was that
we had a coupon for buy one get one free. So we go and while we are
in line ordering, this dominican lady calls us over. (thankfully i was
on exchanges with elder Jones from mexico) We talked to her and she
said that she was a member of our church and had joined down in the
DR (domincan Repulic) and that her daughter is super active. She had moved
here and never learned where the church was and so she has been looking for
the past bit and then we showed up in McDonalds! So we were able to give her
the spanish sisters number and get her info and things are set for her to go
back to church! Cool, Huh? Moral of the story, its not always a bad thing
when you get prompted to eat a big Mac :)
I gave a talk last week on
missionary service (of course- what else are we missionaries good for with
talks?) and it went really well. It was for the YSA branch and so there were
only like 15 people there but what can you do... Anyway i spoke about how
"We only live once, but if we live right, once is enough"(a quote i heard
from a CES talk or something) We have only got one shot at this thing we
call life. What are we gonna do with it. We gotta prepare ourselves for whats
to come and then we've gotta get everyone else prepared too! Also in
my talk was a point about how "We don't realize what we have." If You stop
and think about what we have because of the things that we know in the gospel
and you really understand those things, then you will know how important it
is for us to share those things! And it doesn't have to be all about getting
people into our church and baptized. First start with helping your friends
and family and associates be their best selves that they can be. Find out
their needs and be the ones to meet them. Some people are ready for church
and the book of Mormon but some people aren't and just need a friend that
will push them to be their best. That is missionary work, bringing
people closer to Christ in ways that they are ready for. I hope that
makes sense.
Went to the Beach for a ward party and it was super cold
and cloudy...but fun none the less. One of our recent converts of about 1
year, W, who is this 50 yr old guy from Alabama who thinks
he is still 20, challenged me to a 400yd race in front of the whole
ward and so i raced him... backwards, haha. He is alot of talk and
is hilarious.
I went on an exchange with an elder Lemon from
bountiful, Utah who used to sing in choir with my cousin cody :) He is way cool and it
will be fun to visit him when i'm up there with all the family members
who live up there now. And yes i know elder Bushnell who is coming into my
mission this month, we actually were in seminary together during my senior
Ok im out of time and my mind is blank... But lastly, we went to
a funeral of someone in the ward who died this last week in a car wreck. It
was all very sudden and it got me thinking once again how short this life
is. We don't have time to be mad at others or to hold grudges or to hate.
We have to take advantage of what we have. I love you all! Have a wonderful
week and always Choose The Right!
Elder Brady
PS J is doing really well! she came to church again this
week and is making lots of friends. She will be baptized on the 19th
of August. J and S are back and they will hopefully
get baptized on the 26th of this month. Things are going really
well here. I love this place and these people.