Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I just gotta tell you that I am so grateful for all the things I am learning out here and the things that my family and friends have taught me and continue to teach me. I love learning. I've even grown an appreciation of politics, which is kinda ironic because i got it while on a mission, the one place we aren't ever supposed to talk about it haha :) But really tho, learning new things and bettering yourself because of it is so much fun! Its probably my favorite thing to do in life right now. We "gots" to gain all the knowledge that we can for that is what will rise with us in the resurrection as you all know.

Well in other news, this was a great week! lots of exciting and random things that happened and to be honest it wasn't a week with the greatest of numbers but that is because we had lots of meetings and travelings but all in all it was a solid week. So monday we were filmed on a talk show program that one of our members runs. She usually talks alot about religion and her son is just about to go on his mission so we joined him and her on the show and just talked a little bit about ourselves and about what we do as missionaries and then a lot about the church. It was way cool and alot of fun. We will be watching what it looks like with the editing and then they will air it. It is just a small local station but still, its pretty tight! Soccer was also fun but not that fun cuz no one really knows how to play very well.

Tuesday we went over to help the young man who was on the TV show with us finish packing and getting ready to go on his mission. It was weird being there for the goodbye with his mother and brother and to go vicariously through that again. It was pretty emotional but his mom is a champ and gave a great pep talk. Then we rode with them to the airport in Warwick, RI to see him off. Man, did that make me trunkie! I don't want to go to an airport again until its time for me to go home haha. The reason we did all that is because the Bishop asked us to. And now he is happily in the MTC and will be serving in the SLC South mission and so I will most likely see him when im at school next year ha!

Wednesday we got facials, for free. You jealous? haha. Yup it was great! Oh the things you never thought you would ever do but do while on your mission. I love missionary experiences haha. Thursday was my favorite day because we had a leadership training from 9-3pm with mostly President Evans instructing us on how we can be better missionaries, leaders and people now and after our missions. He is such a great man. And Sister Evans is wonderful too and not just because of her cooking. It is so funny when they both get up and teach us and it usually turns into Marriage 101, haha. Im going to miss them so badly when they go home this summer. I left that meeting so pumped and excited to share the gospel and talk to everyone and so thats what i did!

J is still doing wonderfully and is working towards baptism. She totally accepted the word of wisdom and made some immediate adjustments to her life. Its amazing to see the gospel bless these people's lives. I love this mission and I love this work. Jesus Christ is our Savior and He leads this church thru our beloved Prophet Pres. Monson. Im so ready for General Conference! Take good notes everyone and feel free to share them with me! Love yall! bye

ps. tell Nick and Dahlson to write me since they have so much free time :)

Elder Brady Johnson

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